Friday 13 February 2015

11 Harmful Effects of Envy

Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-'Uthaymeen said:  "The harms of envy are eleven, and they are:
First: It is one of the major sins.
Second: It consumes good deeds just as fire consumes firewood – a weak hadeeth
Third: It is from the traits of the Jews
Fourth: It negates the brotherhood of eemaan
Fifth: It contains lack of pleasure with Allaah’s decree and pre-ordainment
Sixth: It is a means towards misery
Seventh: The envier is following the footsteps of the devil
Eight: It breeds enmity and hatred among the people
Ninth: It may lead to transgression against others.
Tenth: It indicates that the envier has disdain for Allaah’s blessing upon him.

Eleventh: It distracts the heart from Allaah.
Source: Sharh Hilyatu Taalibil- 'Ilm, p. 206 by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him)

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