al-Albaanee (may Allaah have mercy on him) wrote:
He (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) used to forbid recitation of the Qur’aan in rukoo’ and sujood.” Further, he used to say, ‘Verily, I have indeed been forbidden from reciting the Qur’aan in rukoo’
and sujood. In the rukoo’, therefore, glorify the Lord therein; as for the
sujood, exert yourselves in supplication in it, for it is most likely that you
will be answered.”
Muhammad bin ‘Umar Saalim Baazmool commented: … It is not
permissible for a Muslim to recite the Qur’aan in rukoo’ or in sujood. [However],
is it permissible to invoke Allaah in rukoo
and sujood with the supplication
mentioned in the Noble Qur’aan? Response:
Yes, it is permissible on the condition that a Muslim should not intend the
recitation of an Aayah with this. Rather,
he should only take the aayaat of
supplications that are mentioned in it, and supplicate with them in rukoo’ or sujood. If he does this, he would not be included in the
prohibition, because he would not be considered one reciting the Glorious Qur’aan
with this. It is established in the hadeeth [from ‘Aa’ishah] that the Prophet
(sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) used to say in his rukoo’: “How Perfect You are
O Allaah, and Praises are for You. O Allaah forgive me.”
As for the saying of
the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam): “As
for the sujood, exert yourselves in supplication in it, for it is most likely
that you will be answered”, the meaning is that a person should endevour to
make a lot of supplication in sujood,
because sujood is among the places of acceptance of supplication in Salaah. Therefore,
a Muslim should supplicate in Salaah in sujood if he wishes or in rukoo’ if he
wishes… This hadeeth does not mean that it is not permissible to make
supplication in other than sujood position. Earlier, Aa’ishah related that he (sallallaahu
alayhi wasallam) used to supplicate in his rukoo’ saying: “How Perfect You are O Allaah, and Praises are for You. O Allaah forgive
me.” This is du’aa... Hence, the meaning of the saying of the Messenger of
Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam): “As
for the sujood, exert yourselves in supplication in it…” is that the best
place to make supplication in Salaah is in sujood.
Source: See Sharh Kitaabi Sifati Salaah, p. 245 by
Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Umar Saalim Baazmool
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