Thursday, 6 February 2020

From the Humility of Shaykh Bin Baaz (rahimahullaah)

Shaykh Muhammad Moosaa al-Moosaa narrated:

One of the forms of his humility is that he used to be humble to one who is below him in knowledge even if the person is among his students. One of the examples of such is what occurred in the year 1386 H. He came from Madeenah to Riyadh and delivered a lecture at Daar al-‘Ilm. When he finished the lecture, questions were directed to him. However, his Eminence turned to one of the students of knowledge who was one of his students and said: Please, answer the question.’ But the man refused.

Another example of his humility is that he does not lead people in prayer whenever he offers prayer in a masjid that has a raatib Imaam even if the Imaam insists that he should do so. In addition, he does not refrain from saying I don’t know. He used to say this a lot whenever he was asked a question and he does not know the response regardless of whether it is in a private or public gathering or in lectures or mosques or in radio broadcast.

In the year 1402 H when the Shaykh was teaching in Haram, he was asked: Is a female child similar to a male child with regard to shaving her hair, weighing it and giving out the silver weight of it in charity? He – may Allaah have mercy on him – said: ‘I do not know. Ask my brothers who are students of knowledge. They will inform you Allaah willing.

Source: Extracted from Jawaanib min Seerah al-Imaam ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz, p. 132-141

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