The innovator will
receive the worse punishment because innovation is worse than sin and it is
dearer to Shaytaan than sin. This is because a sinner may repent[1] but an innovator rarely
repents because he thinks he is upon the truth as opposed to the sinner, for he
knows that he is disobeying Allaah and that he is committing a sin. As for the
innovator, he thinks that he is obedient to Allaah and that he is upon
righteousness. Consequently, innovation is more evil than sin. As such, the Salaf
used to warn against sitting with the innovators because they will influence
whoever sits with them, and their danger is great
Source: Al-Ajwibah
al-Mufeedah ‘an As’ilah al-Manaahij al-Jadeedah, pp. 26-27 by Shaykh Saalih
bin Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him)
[1] Sufyaan
ath-Thawree said: “Innovation is more beloved to Iblees than sin, because a sin
may be repented from but innovation is not repented from.” Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa
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