Monday, 8 January 2024

Saying Tahleel Ten Times after Fajr and Maghrib Prayers

 Questioner: When should the Imaam and the Ma’moom leave after saying salaam in prayer? And what is the hadeeth that encourages a person to say tahleel ten times before he unfolds his leg in Maghrib and Fajr prayers?

Shaykh al-Albaanee:  This question is related to a general Sunnah that has restriction. The general Sunnah is that whenever the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) says salaam in prayer, he does not sit except for the duration sufficient to say: Allaahumma Antas-Salaamu wa minkas-Salaamu, tabaarakta ya Dhal-Jalaali wal-Ikraam. Thereafter, he would either leave or turn to his Companions. This is what the majority of scholars are upon - those who know the Sunnah among them and those among them who follow one of the Imaams. It is necessary to restrict this Sunnah to other than Maghrib and Fajr prayers. This is because this Sunnah cannot be applied in these two prayers.

Why? This is because there is a hadeeth reported through various paths encouraging the saying of tahleel (that is, Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa Huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in Qadeer) ten times after Maghrib and Fajr prayers before unfolding one’s leg (that is, before changing one’s sitting position in Tashahhud) or talking to anyone. The meaning of this is that if the Imaam wants to say this tahleel ten times after Maghrib and Fajr prayers, he should remain the way he is [after the salaam] without facing the Jamaa’ah till he completes the ten tahleel. However, if he does not intend to recite it since it is not obligatory, he may stand up immediately without sitting.

However, we are talking about the preferred act. What is preferable with regard to the Imaam is that he should not turn to the left or right except after saying: Allaahumma Antas-Salaamu wa minkas-Salaamu, tabaarakta ya Dhal-Jalaali wal-Ikraam and Astaghfirullaaha three times. Thereafter, he should turn [and face the Jamaa’ah] except in Maghrib and Fajr prayers wherein he should say the tahleel ten times and then face the Jamaa’ah. This is what should be known to you all, Allaah willing.

Silsilah al-Hudaa wan-Noor, no. 015

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