Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Profound Sayings of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah


Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

Ø  From among the perfection of sincerity is that a person should not consider his goodwill to anyone among the people so that all of his dealings will be for Allah, seeking His Face and His Pleasure.



Ø  The most merciful person to you is the one who is hard on you in bringing benefit to you and repelling harm from you.

Ighaathah al-Lahfaan


Ø  Do not be in haste in rejecting that which you do not possess of  knowledge.

Madaarij as-Saalikeen


Ø  If people were to know what recitation of the Qur’aan with contemplation contains [of benefit], they would have preoccupied themselves with it at the expense of every other thing.

Miftaah Daar as-Sa’aadah


Ø  Sovereignty in this world and happiness in the Hereafter cannot be attained except by crossing the bridge of exhaustion. Yahyaa bin Abee Katheer: “Knowledge cannot be achieved with comfort of the body.”


Tuhfah al-Mawdood

Ø  There is a vacuum in the heart which nothing can ever fill except Allah, the most High; and in it there is disorder which nothing can rectify except turning to Him; and there is sickness in it that nothing can heal other than sincerity to Him and worshiping Him alone.

Ighaathah al-Lahfaan

Ø  Whenever wants become great, the hindrances and obstacles towards it become numerous. This is the way of Allah regarding His creatures.


Taariq al-Hijratayn

Ø  Had it been that everyone who made mistake or committed an error is abandoned all together and his good deeds outlawed, all knowledge, occupations and laws would have been corrupted, and their milestones would have been obliterated.

Madaarij as-Saalikeen


Ø  The truthful tired out in this transient world and good ending and success trailed them; this world and the Hereafter are established upon this. Hence, bitterness at the beginning is sweetness at the end, and sweetness at the beginning is bitterness at the end.

Zaad al-Ma‘aad


Ø  The one who loves Allah and His Messenger will be jealous for Allah and His Messenger in accordance to his love and veneration of Him. And if his heart is devoid of jealousy for Allah and His Messenger, then he is very much devoid of love.

Rawdah al-Muhibbeen


Source: Keys to Endless Bliss – From the Works of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, compiled by Umar bin Muhammad al-Uwaydee; translated by Abdus-Samee Abdus-Salaam.

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