Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Sincerity is Costly and Scarce Today


Sincerity is very important in rectifying the conditions, which we are living in. This is because most people live in internal conflicts. Callers and students of knowledge all suffer from these internal conflicts. They pass through things that cause the deprivation of blessing and success except one whom Allaah the most High showers His mercy on.

So how will the religion be established if not through sincere armies? How will the religion be taught if not through sincere students of knowledge? Sincerity is very important in delivering us from the situation we are living in. How will the religion be victorious if not through sincere armies? Therefore, the issue of sincerity is very important in delivering us from the condition we are living today. Today, the Ummah is living in backwardness and defeat; it is been dominated from the east and west. What is the cause?

The causes are numerous. The most important among them is lack of the most important element, which is sincerity. It has become costly, scarce and rare. Were there to be sincerity, the situation would have been different. Further, there are many projects that were established and aborted and da’wahs contaminated with show-off; there are large Islamic groups with thousands of people all of whom have been crushed, disintegrated and lost as a result of lack of sincerity, and their goals became desire for worldly gains, leadership, status and wealth…

Source: Silsilah A’maal al-Quloob, p. 14-15, transl. by Abdus-Samee’ Abdus-Salaam.

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