A brother told
me that once he stopped by the traffic light. He narrated: “Then I heard the
sound of music with a very loud sound so much so that I and the people around
me became scared. So I turned to the right and left searching for its source and
discovered that it was by my left side. The owner of the car had opened all the
windows and increased the volume of the music very high. The people in the cars
around him were looking at him and were surprised at the pitch of the volume of
music to this level.”
He continued: “I
pressed on the car’s horn several times for him to turn to me so that I could
tell him that he should reduce the volume of the radio set or to switch it off
or to engage it with something better than it such as the recitation of the
Qur’aan. However, the man did not pay attention to me in spite of the extent of
my alerting him with my car. Then I moved forward a little with the car in
order to alert him with my hand. When he turned to me, I discovered he was a
young man. He had brought down his door glasses by his left and right side. And
he had a dense beard that reached his chest.”
He continued: “I
was surprised at the young man with this appearance as he allowed his beard to
grow. Despite that, if he wants to hear, how could he hear in this manner that
indicates intense audacity and lack of paying attention to the people?” He
continued: “I pressed the car’s horn several times but he did not also pay
attention to me until the green traffic light signaled. Then he drove off and I
drove behind him.”
He continued: “I
kept on making attempt to stop him in order to advise him and remind him of
Allaah; and to caution him that such is unlawful. And to also inform him that
for him to do it with audacity in front of the people increases it in prohibition.
This is because it is a form exposing ones sin; but the man did not turn to me
at all till he stopped at a grocery store.” He narrated further: “So I stopped
my car behind him. The man came down from the car and walked to the grocery
store. His clothing was short and above his ankles. He was not wearing his
clothing below his ankles. So I was surprised. Then he entered and I said to
myself, ‘He will come out now with a pack of cigarette’. However, when he came
out, he was holding an Islamic magazine, so I said, ‘There is no might or power
except with Allaah.’ How could his condition be like that?”
He continued:
“He advanced to his car, then he started it up and the music immediately began
to play. I said, ‘By Allaah I cannot bear this anymore. I came down from my car
and proceeded to him. I began to admonish him but he did not turn to me. I held
on to the door of his car before he locked it. Then I said: ‘O my brother, why
do you not fear Allaah? Why are you not conscious of Allaah?’ “You are playing
music all this while. And you are playing it so loud. O my brother, if you wish
to listen to music, you can listen to it alone. Do you want to compel the people
to listen to the music with you? Why do you not fear Allaah? Why are you not
conscious of Allaah?”
He continued:
“The man was looking at me, and he was surprised as to why I was shouting. Then
he lowered his head and raised it while looking at me. When he noticed that I
kept on shouting at him, he began to point at his ears and tongue with his
finger and indicating with his hand that he cannot hear or speak. So I
understood that the man cannot hear nor speak. He was deaf and dumb. I almost
wept. Then I lowered my head and I gently put my hand into his car and switched
off the radio set.” He said: “Then the man began to use his hand to ask, ‘what
do you want? Why are you angry? Thereafter, he searched for an exercise book
and a pen by his side and gave me a sheet of paper and pen; and he was indicating
with his hand saying: ‘Write what you want’. So I wrote to him thus: ‘O my
noble brother, you were playing music so loudly. In a short while ago by the traffic
light, the drivers around you were calling your attention. What made me to follow
you is to admonish you regarding what you did.’”
He continued:
“When he collected the sheet of paper and read it, he lowered his head a
little; then he began to agitate himself. That is to say, in a manner of a
grief-stricken person. Then he wrote below my words: ‘May Allaah reward you
with good for your admonition. However, know, O my brother that I am a deaf and
dumb man. I cannot hear nor talk. This car belongs to my brother. By Allaah the
most Great, I was not aware that the music was playing until when you informed
me of that; may Allaah reward you with good.’”
Look at the
condition of this man. Allaah took away his hearing and made him deaf and dumb.
In spite of that, he is desirous of righteous deeds. Who knows? Maybe if Allaah
the Most High had given him the ability to hear and talk, it may be a means of
his destruction on the Day of Resurrection. There are many are among men that
would be thrown inside the Fire as a result of a speech from their tongue. It
is recorded in the two Saheeh collections that the Prophet (sallallaahu
alayhi wasallam) said: “Indeed a slave will speak a word without being
aware of what it contains...”
Source: Restrain Your Tongue, p. 6-8 by Dr. Muhammad
bin Abdir-Rahmaan al-‘Areefee, translated by Abdus-Samee’ Abdus-Salaam
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