Ibn Ibraaheem[1] used to
feign knowledge and claim that he has memorized Ahaadeeth and would narrate
them. He was eminent and eloquent. The people used to sit around him and he
would narrate amazing things to them which they believed.
day, a man saw him doing something inappropriate and said to him: “Are you not
shy of the people?” He replied: “Where are the people?” He said: “Those people
who gather around you.” He said: “You mean those people; those people are not
human being, they are cattle. If you want me to prove it to you, come with me.”
both of them went and Giyaath sat in his assembly and began to narrate to the
people about Paradise and its description while they listened attentively.
he noticed their attentiveness to his narrations, he fabricated a hadeeth from
his intellect: “The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Whoever
among you who can touch the tip of his nose with his tongue will enter
the people immediately began to bring out their tongues, trying to touch the
tip of their nose with it. Then Giyaath turned to his friend and said to him: “Did
I not tell you that they are cattle?!”
Searching For a Job? p. 106-107 by Dr. Muhammad al-Areefi, translated by this
He was a liar and
fabricator of hadeeth. Aboo Haatim stated about him in his book, al-Majrooheen:
“He used to fabricate amazing narration “He used to fabricate amazing
narrations ascribing them to reliable narrators.”
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