Shaykh Muhammad ‘Eed
al-Abbaasee said,
“… However, people are of differing types with
regards to understanding and comprehension. So from them is the unlearned one
who does not understand the meanings of the Glorious Qur’aan and the noble
hadeeth, nor does he have the ability to deduce (rulings) from them, nor can he
comprehend what is sought from them. Among them is the scholar who has understanding
of the verses and the ahaadeeth and
is aware of what rulings can be derived from them: he has the ability to deal
with the apparent differences between them and he understands the Arabic
language and its ways. And from them are those that are (at a level) between these
two. They are not ignorant. But they do not have the knowledge to derive
rulings, nor do they have the ability to understand what is being indicated to
by the text; rather, they have some knowledge, awareness, understanding and
contemplation. However, they do not reach the level of the scholar and the one
who has penetrating insight into the Book and the Sunnah. So these are the levels
of the people; and between them there are many varying grades.
The scholars call the first
type of people muqallid, the second
type are technically referred to as mujtahid,
and the third type are technically referred to as muttabi’. The obligation upon the people of the first type is to
perform taqleed of any scholar of the
Book and the Sunnah who is reliable in his knowledge and religion. The
obligation upon the second type of people is to perform ijtihaad in understanding what is indicated by (the text of) the
Book and Sunnah, and then to follow it and to direct the people upon it. The
obligation upon the third type is to follow (ittibaa’) those Sharee’ah
evidences that they are aware of from the scholars. So whoever has the ability
to perform ijtihaad, then taqleed and ittibaa’ of others is not lawful to him except in cases of
necessity…whoever has the ability to perform ittibaa’ then taqleed and
ijtihaad are not lawful to him.
Whoever does not have the ability to perform ijtihaad nor ittibaa’
then taqleed is obligatory upon him.
The proof of this is that the basic rule upon everyone is to follow (ittibaa’)
the Book and the Sunnah if they have the ability, just as Allaah, the most
perfect, said. “Follow what has been sent down from your Lord, and do not make
ittibaa’ of friends and protectors other than Him.” [Sooratul-A’raaf
“Take what the messenger
gives you, and abstain from that which he prohibits you.”
[Sooratul-Hashr 59:7].
So if a Muslim does not have
the ability to understand the Book and the Sunnah, nor to deduce rulings from
them, then he descends to the level of ittibaa’.
If he does not have the ability to do this, then he descends to the lowest
level, which is taqleed; and this is
when he enters into Allaah the Exalter’s saying: “Ask the people of knowledge
if you do not know.” [Sooratun-Nahl 16:43].
Source: Bid’ah at-Ta’assubul-Madhhabee, p. 14-15 by Muhammad ‘Eed al-Abbaasee,
A Return to the Sunnah, p. 66-67 compiled by Maaz Qureshi
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