Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Five Categories Exempted from Fitnah of the Grave

Firstly: The Prophets: As regards the Prophets, they will not pass through the trial of the grave and they will not be questioned. And this is due to two reasons:

First reason: The Prophets are better than the martyrs, and the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) has informed that the martyr will be saved from the fitnah of the grave. He said: “The shining swords above his head are fitnah enough.” Recorded by an-Nasaa’ee

Second reason: People will be questioned about the Prophets. It will be said to the dead: who is your Prophet? So the angels will question people concerning them and they will not be questioned. That is why the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “It has been revealed to me that you will be questioned in your graves.” The address is to the nation he was sent to; so the Messenger is not included among them.

Secondly: The Siddiqoon: As for the Siddiqoon, they will not be questioned because the status of the Siddiqoon is higher than the status of the martyrs. Therefore, if the martyrs will not be questioned, then it is more appropriate that the Siddiqoon should not be questioned. In addition, the sincerity of a siddiq is known because he is described as a truthful and trustworthy person.  So there is no need of testing him, because testing is meant for a person one is in doubt as to whether he is truthful or a liar. But if he is truthful, there is no need of questioning him. Some scholars are of the view that they will be questioned based on the generality of the proofs. And Allaah knows best.

Thirdly: The martyrs: The martyrs are those killed in Allah’s cause because of the manifestation of the sincerity of their eemaan with their Jihad. Allaah the most High said: Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed…” [Soorah at-Tawbah:111]. He also said: And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision” [Soorah Aal-Imraan: 169].

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “The shining swords above his head are fitnah enough.” If the one defending the borders of Islam for Allah’s sake dies, he will be protected from the trial of the grave due to the manifestation of his sincerity, then the one who is killed in the battlefield is similarly to him or more deserving than him because he sacrificed and exposed his neck to the enemy of Allaah in order to uplift the word of Allaah and support His religion. This is from the greatest of proofs of the sincerity of his eemaan.

Fourthly: Those defending the borders of Islam:  They will not be tested in the grave. In Saheeh Muslim, the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Defending the borders of Islaam for a day and a night is better than fasting and praying at night for a month; if a man dies (while defending the borders of Islam), the good deed he was doing will continue to accumulate reward and bring him sustenance, and he will be protected from the fitnah of the grave.”

Fifthly: The minors and lunatics: Will they be tested or not? Some scholars said they will be tested because they are included in the generality of the text and because if moral responsibility is dropped from them in the state of living, the state of death differs from the state of living.

Others are of the view that the lunatics and minors will not be questioned because they are not morally responsible, for there is no reckoning upon them, since there will be no reckoning except upon one who is morally responsible, who will be punished for wrongdoing. And these people will not be punished. There is nothing for them except reward. If they do righteous deed, they will be rewarded for it.

Source: Sharh al-Aqeedah al-Wasitiyyah, p. 317-319 by Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him.

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