Question: Is it permissible to excavate the graves of the Muslims and the
graves of the disbelievers?
Answers: There is a difference between excavating the graves of the Muslims
and excavating the graves of the disbelievers. Thus, excavating the graves of
the Muslims is not permissible except until after the corpse has deteriorated
and become decay. This is since excavating the grave would expose the buried
cadaver and its bones to wreckage, and the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa
sallam) said: “Breaking the bones of a deceased believer is like breaking
his bones if he were alive.” So the believer has sanctity after his death,
just as he used to have sanctity during his lifetime. However, this sanctity is
of course within the legislated bounds.
As for
excavating the graves of the disbelievers, then they do not possess this (same)
sanctity. Therefore, it is permissible to excavate them based on what is
established in Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim that when the
Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) migrated from Makkah to Madeenah, the
first thing he instituted was the construction of the Prophet’s masjid, which
is still in existence today. But (at that time), there used be a garden there
that belonged to a group of orphans from the Ansaar, in which were graves of
polytheists. So he, (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said to these orphans: “Give
me a price for your land.” He meant by this, “Sell me your land for its
price.” They responded: “It is for Allaah and His Messenger. We do not want any
price for it.” And there was found old ruins and graves of polytheists on that
land. So the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) put someone in charge of
the graves of the polytheists and so they were levelled (and the bodies were
taken out). And he put someone in charge of the old ruins and they were
flattened. Then the Prophet’s masjid was established on the ground of that
the excavation of the graves is from two perspectives. As for it being done to
the Muslim graves, then it is not permissible. And as for it being done to the
disbelievers’ graves then it is permissible. I have indicated in the response, that
it is not permissible to excavate the Muslims’ graves until the bodies first
deteriorate and become dust, but when is this? Indeed, it differs according to
the different types of land. There are arid desert lands, which expedite the
decaying of the bodies buried in them. Thus, it is not possible to put a
regulation that would determine the specific time it takes for the bodies to
decay. So just as it is said: “The inhabitants of Makkah are the most knowledgeable
about its mountain trails,” then those individuals who bury people in that land
know best the approximate time it takes for the dead buried in the graves to
The Fataawaa of Shaikh al-Albaanee From al-Asaalah Magazine Issues 1-21,
p. 80
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