Saturday, 14 February 2015

Love and Hate for Allaah's Sake

Question 94: What is al-Walaa’ wal-Baraa’’?

Response:  al-Walaa’ wal-Baraa’ for the sake of Allaah the most High is for a person to disassociate from everything, which Allaah has disassociated from as stated by Allaah – blessed ad exalted be He: There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Ibraaheem and those with him, when they said to their people, ‘Indeed, we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allaah. We have denied you, and there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever…” [Soorah Al-Mumtahanah: 4]

This should be done with the disbelievers as mentioned by Allaah the exalted: And [it is] an announcement from Allaah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allaah is disassociated from the disbelievers, and [so is] His Messenger.” [Soorah At-Tawbah: 3] Therefore, it is obligatory upon every believer to disassociate from every mushrik and kaafir. This is with regard to individuals.

Similarly, it is incumbent upon every Muslim to disassociate from every deed that is displeasing to Allaah and His Messenger, even if the deed does not entail kufr such as defiance and disobedience as stated by the exalted: But Allaah has endeared to you the faith and has made it pleasing in your hearts and has made hateful to you disbelief, defiance and disobedience.” [Soorah Al-Hujuraat: 7]

If eemaan and disobedience coexist in a believer, we should show love to him based on his eemaan and hate him on account of his misdeed.  This is something that occurs in our life; you may take a medicine whose taste is bitter and dislike it because of its taste; and at the same time you desire it because it contains cure for [your] ailment.

Some people hate a sinful believer more than a disbeliever. This is amazing and it is reversal of the truth. A disbeliever is an enemy to Allaah, His Messenger and the believers; and it is obligatory upon us to hate him with all our hearts. Allaah said: O you who have believed, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies, extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, having driven out the Prophet and yourselves [only] because you believe in Allah , your Lord. If you have come out for jihad in My cause and seeking means to My approval, [take them not as friends]. You confide to them affection, but I am most knowing of what you have concealed and what you have declared. And whoever does it among you has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way.” [Soorah Al-Mumtahanah: 1]

Allaah also said: O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allaah guides not the wrongdoing people.” [Soorah Al-Maa’idah: 51]

These disbelievers will never be pleased with you unless you follow their religion and sell your religion. Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed…” [Soorah al-Baqarah: 109] This is applicable to everyone guilty of any of these forms of kufr: juhood (rejection), inkaar (denial), takdheeb (disavowal), shirk and ilhaad (deviation concerning Allaah’s names).

As regards deeds, we should disassociate from every unlawful deed. It is not permissible for us to either love prohibited deeds or engage in them. As for a sinful believer, we should disassociate from his misdeeds but we should love him and support him based on the eemaan he possesses.

Source: Fataawaa Arkaan al-Islaam, pp. 124-125 by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah shower his mercy on him)

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