Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Sincere Repentance can Avert Stoning to Death

Waa’il bin Hujr (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that a woman once went out to performed Salaah and met a man [on the road] who covered her with her garment and raped her and ran away. A man then walked up to her, so she said to him: ‘A man did such and such to me.’ Then the man went in search of the man who raped her. Thereafter, a group of people from among the Ansaar walked up to her and stood by her, so she said to them: ‘A man did such and such to me.’ So they (also) went in search of the man who raped her. [After a while], they came with the man who had gone in search of the man who raped her and took him to the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam).

The woman then said [to the Prophet]: ‘He is the one.’ When the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) instructed that he should be stoned to death, the man who actually raped her said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, I am the one.’ Thereupon, the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said to woman: ‘Go, Allaah has forgiven you of you sin.’ And he said good words to the man [who was guilty of the rape]. Thereafter, it was said: ‘O Prophet of Allaah, will you not stone him? He said: Indeed he repented a repentance (of such high order) that if the inhabitants of Madeenah were to repent, it would be accepted from them.’ See as-Saheehah (900)

Shaykh al-Albaanee said: This hadeeth contains an important benefit, which indicates that the prescribed punishment can be dropped from the one who repents sincerely. This is the opinion of Ibn Qayyim in al-I’laam 3/17-20
See as-Saheehah (2/569)


  1. is this applicable in our time because the prophet pbuh can be inspired about the sincerity of guilt one wheras we can' t because there is no wahyi now?

    1. The hadeeth is still applicable today because the ruling is general. One of the ways to know a sincere repentance in this instance is when the person surrenders himself to the Imam before the proof is established upon him. This is what is stated in Majmoo al-Fataawaa 16/13. Ibn Taymiyah said, "The Imaam should not establish the prescribed punishment upon one who repents sincerely and brings himself forward acknowledging the crime before the proof is established upon him and brought to the Imaam. However, if he requests for the execution of the prescribed punishment upon himself, it should be implemented otherwise it should not be implemented... it should be noted that whoever the proof is established upon and brought to the Imam in order to implement the punishment on him, then he manifests repentance, such will not be accepted from him. If he repented inwardly, the punishment will be an expiation and he will be rewarded for his patience.' Saheeh Fiqh as-Sunnah vol. 4 p. 13 by Aboo Maalik Kamaal bin Sayyid Saalim
