The following are
some weak ahaadeeth that are often
quoted, which are related to fasting in Ramadaan. So every Muslim should beware
of attributing them to the Prophet (sallallaahu
alayhi wa sallam)[1]
“The first part of Ramadaan is
mercy, the middle part is (of it) is forgiveness and the last part is freedom
from the Hellfire.” [Very weak]
“Fast and you will be healthy.”
“The month of Ramadaan is suspended
between the heavens and earth – it is not raised up to Allaah until the
Zaaatul-Fitr is given.” [Weak].
“The month of Ramadaan is the month
of Allaah, and the month of Sha’baan is my month and Ramadaan is expiation (for
sins).” [Very Weak]
“When the first night of Ramadaan
comes, Allaah looks at His creation. And if Allaah looks at a servant of His,
He will never punish him. And every night Allaah frees one million people from
the Hellfire.” [Fabricated].
“Fasting is half of patience. And
there is Zakaah that is binding on everything, so the Zakaah of the body is
fasting.” [Weak].
“Whoever breaks his fast in
Ramadaan without a valid excuse that Allaah has allowed for him, it will not be
recorded for him that he fasted a whole year, even if he fasts it.” [Weak].
“O people! A very great and blessed
month has come upon you. It is a month in which there is a night that is better
than a thousand months. Allaah has made it an obligation to fast in it, and
recommended us to observe the night prayer in it. Whoever seeks nearness to
Allaah by doing a good deed in it, it will be like one performing an obligatory
action in other months. And whoever performs an obligatory action in it, it is
as if he has performed seventy obligatory actions in other months. It is a
month of patience – and the reward for patience is Paradise – and a month of
comfort, and a month in which the believer’s provision (i.e. wealth) in
increased. Whoever feeds a fasting
person in this month will have his sins forgiven and free his neck from the
Hellfire. And he will have the same reward as the person who is fasting without
subtracting anything from his reward. Allaah gives this reward to the one who
feeds a fasting person with (even) a sip of milk or a date or a cup of water.
And whoever quenches the thirst of the fasting person, Allaah will let him
drink a serving from my Hawd
(Fountain) from which he will not feel thirst again until he enters Paradise.
And it is a month in which the first part of it is mercy, the middle part of it
is forgiveness and the last part is freedom from the Hellfire. And whoever
lessens the burden on his servant in it (Ramadaan), Allaah will forgive him his
sins and free him from the Hellfire.”
[1] The grading on these ahaadeeth were taken from two books of Shaykh
al-Albaanee, namely: Da’eef al-Jaami and Silsilatul-Ahaadeeth ad-Da’eefah
wal-Mawdoo’ah. See Fasting and Its Rulings, pp. 26-27 by Shaykh Usaamah
al-Qoosee. Translated and edited by Abu Sumayyah Muhammad Khan and Abu Maryam
Ismaa’eel Alarcon
Masha Allah barallahufikum
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