(may Allaah be pleased with him)
report that the Prophet صلى
الله عليه وسلم forbade that a man should raise his
eye towards the sky while praying. He صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ‘How is it that some people raise their eyes towards
the sky during Salaah (the prayer).’ [1] That
is, what is the matter with them? Why are they raising their eyes towards the
sky? Let them refrain from this or else they will lose their sight.
threat indicates that it is forbidden for a person to raise his eye towards the
sky while praying. I have seen someone while he was rising from the Rukoo’
and saying: ‘Allaah hears the
one who praises Him;’ raising his eyes and face (upward). This is forbidden for
In fact some scholars (may Allaah
have mercy on them) say: If this is done, his Salaah (the prayer) is
invalid because he has committed what is forbidden: a prohibition that is
specific to Salaah. And a Sharee’ah principle says: “Whosoever
commits anything that is specifically forbidden in Ibaadah, his worship
is null and void.”
these scholars also justify their view with a second reason. They say: ‘This is
a bad manner towards Allaah – the
Mighty and Sublime. What is required from an individual while praying is
that he should have Khushoo’ and lower his head.’ They also bring
another justification: A person is ordered to face the Qiblah with all
his body. If he raises his face towards the sky, his face will be facing
towards the sky and not towards the Qiblah and it nullifies his Salaah. The issue is dangerous. Consequently, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was harsh in word concerning that so much so that he said: ‘Let
them refrain or else they will lose their sight.’
someone were to ask: Now where do I place my head? We will reply: Focus your
eyes to the spot where you will place your head in sujood except the situation
when you raise your index finger for Tashahhud. So look at the index
finger because when the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم raised
it his eyes did not go beyond its movement.
scholars exempt from this, looking at the Imam in order to follow him
especially if the person cannot hear. Such that if it is not possible for him
to follow him as his Imam, except by looking at him (then he should rather look
at him instead of looking at the point of Sujood). This is because the
Companions used to do this. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم would
ascend the pulpit and pray on it, and say: “I did that so that you will
follow me and know your Salaah”. It
was not possible for them to have learnt the Salaah except that they
looked at him.
scholars also exempt when a person is in the Masjid Al-Haram and Ka’bah
is in front of him; such a person should look at the Ka’bah. However,
this exemption is a weak one. What is correct is that he should not look at the
Ka’bah during prayer because nothing of such has been reported from the
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. This is because such could cause confusion whereby he will be
looking at the people doing the Tawaaf – when going and coming.
In addition, the statement
of some people that looking at the Ka’bah is an act of worship is an
error. It is not correct. There is no authentic or weak hadeeth that has been
reported from the Prophet صلى
الله عليه وسلم as far as I know that says
that looking at the Ka’bah is an act of worship
Source: Sharh Riyaad as-Saaliheen, vol. 4, pp. 342-325
Saheeh: Recorded by al-Bukhaaree (750), Aboo Daawood (913) and Ibn Maajah
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