The righteous predecessors used to
advise one another to have the fear of Allah. Aboo Bakr used to say in his
sermon, ‘I advise you to have the fear of Allâh.[1]’ When he was on the verge of
death, he called ‘Umar and advised him thus, ‘Fear Allâh O ‘Umar[2].’ In the same vein, ‘Umar wrote to
his son saying, “To proceed: I advise you to have the fear of Allâh.[3]” ‘Alee bin Abee Tâlib employed a
man to be in charge of a brigade and said, ‘I advise you with the fear of Allâh
whom it is inevitable that you will meet.[4]’
Umar bin Abdul-Azeez wrote to a
man: “I advise you to have the fear of Allâh, which He does not accept other
than it or shower mercy except on its people or reward except for it. Those who
admonish about it are many but those who do it are few, may Allâh make us and
you among the pious.[5]” When he was appointed as the
leader, he praised and extolled Allâh and said, ‘I advise you to have the fear
of Allâh for the fear of Allâh replaces everything, and nothing replaces the
fear of Allâh’.[6] It is possible for the fear of Allâh
to make up for everything; but if it is missing, nothing can make up for it.
A man said to Yoonus bin ‘Ubayd,
‘Advise me.’ He said, ‘I advise you to have the fear of Allâh and be good, for Allâh
is with those who have taqwâ and those who are the good doers.’[7] A man from among the salaf
wrote to his brother: ‘I advise you and us to have the fear of Allâh for it is
the best provision for the Hereafter and this world; and He (Allâh) has made it
your way to every good and your way out from every evil. Allâh has indeed
guaranteed its people salvation from what they fear and provision from sources
they do not expect.’[8]
Ibn As-Sammâk al-Wâ‘iz wrote to a
brother of his: ‘To proceed, ‘I advise you to have the fear of Allâh Who is
your intimate confidant in your secret and who watches over you in your public
affair. Put Allâh in your consciousness at all times: in your night and day.
Fear Allâh according to the measure of His nearness to you and His power over
you. Know that you can never exit from His authority to the authority of
someone else nor from His kingdom to the kingdom of someone else. Let your
watchfulness of Him be great, and let your shyness before Him increase.
[1] Recorded by
al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak (2/415) no. 3447 and he said the isnaad of the hadeeth
is authentic
[2] Recorded by
Aboo Nu’aym in Hilyah al-Awliyâ’ (1/36) and Aboo Ja’far at-Tabaree in Riyâdh
an-Nadrah (4/244)
[3] Ibn Rajab
al-Hanbalee mentioned it in Jâmi’’ al-Uloom wal-Hikam (1/161) and he attributed
it to Umar regarding his advice to his son (may Allaah be pleased with them)
[4] Recorded by
al-Khilâl in Kitâb As-Sunnah
[5] Recorded by
Aboo Nu’aym in Hilyah al-Awliyâ’ (5/267)
[6] Recorded by
Aboo Nu’aym in Hilyah al-Awliyâ’ (5/297) and Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee mentioned it
in Jâmi’’ al-Uloom wal-Hikam (1/161)
[7] Ibn Rajab
al-Hanbalee mentioned it in Jâmi’’ al-Uloom wal-Hikam (1/161)
[8] Ibn Rajab
mentioned it in Jâmi’’ al-Uloom
wal-Hikam (1/161)
[9] Recorded by
Aboo Nu’aym in Hilyah al-Awliyâ’ (8/206), Ibn Jawzee mentioned it in
Sifatus-Safwah (3/175) and Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee in Jâmi’’ al-Uloom wal-Hikam (1/162)
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