Monday, 31 October 2022

Classifications of Sins


Imaam as-Safaareenee al-Hanbalee wrote:

Know that sins are of two types: abandoning an obligation, which was the sin of Iblees; may Allaah curse him. The other is doing what is prohibited, which was the sin of our father Aadam (peace be upon him). This is because Iblees was commanded to prostrate but he refused, and Aadam was prohibited from eating from the tree, but he ate from it. Then Allaah turned to Aadam in forgiveness due to his repentance and Iblees remained cursed over his sin.

Further, sin is divided into that which is Allaah’s right and the right of humans. It is further classified into four in terms of its origin: ruboobiyyah, shaytaaniyyah, baheemiyyah and sabu’iyyah. As regards the ruboobiyyah sins, they are sins committed when a lowly slave takes after the attributes of his Exalted Lord, because sublimity, greatness, grandeur, might, riches, compelling and subjugating are the attributes of the Lord the Mighty and Majestic. So whoever takes upon himself these qualities has indeed contended with the right of ruboobiyyah and mandated upon his soul its burning. As for shaytaaniyyah sins, it is by resembling Shaytaan, and among his attributes are: envy, oppression, plotting evil, cheating, deception, hypocrisy, inviting towards disobedience to Allaah, innovations and misguidance.

As regards baheemiyyah sins, examples are gluttony and the desire to satisfy lusts of the stomach and genital organ. This gives rise to fornication and adultery, theft, quarrel and disunity. Among it are eating the wealth of orphans and amassing unlawful wealth in order to satisfy desires, and this leads to the abode of ruin. Sabu’iyyah sins are anger and grudge; and from it emanate killing, beating and causing harm to the creatures which necessitates anger of the Lord.

The first class that takes over a person is baheemiyyah. When his understanding grows and increases, sabu’iyyah enters upon him. When his thought becomes strong and not fortunate, his intellect will employ him in craftiness and deception; and this would lead him to satanic attributes. Then contending with ruboobiyyah will enter upon him. At this time, adversity will become great, calamity will magnify and the anger of al-Jabbaar (the Compeller) will be severe upon him, and animals and birds will curse him. Allaah the most High said: “Pride is My cloak and greatness My robe. Whoever competes with Me in respect of either of them I shall cast into Hellfire.”

In addition, sins are classified into two – with respect to their harm – into major and minor. As for a major sin, it is forgiven through repentance. As regards minor sin, it is forgiven with prayers and the like as reported in the hadeeth…

Source: Adh-Dhakhaa’ir li Sharh Manzoomatil-Kabaa’ir, p. 101-103 by al-Imaam Shamsud-Deen Muhammad bin Ahmad as-Safaareenee al-Hanbalee; transl, by Abdus-Samee’ Abdus-Salaam.


Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Adhere To the Truth Even If You Are Alone


Imaam Ibn Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) stated:

Muhammad bin Aslam At-Toosee was an Imaam whose leadership was agreed upon in addition to his status as the most compliant with the Sunnah in his time to the extent that he said: “There is no Sunnah of the Messenger that will be conveyed to me except that I will act upon it. And I desired to circumambulate the House (Ka‘bah) riding, but I was unable to do that.”

One of people of knowledge was asked in his time about the great majority that was mentioned in a hadeeth thus: “If people differ, adhere to the great majority.” Then he replied: “Muhammad bin At-Toosee is the great majority.”

By Allah, he spoke the truth. If there is a scholar of the Sunnah in an era who calls to it, he is a proof, consensus and the great majority. He is the way of the believers that Allah will leave whoever leaves it and follows other than it with what he has chosen and admit him into Hell Fire, and evil is that destination.

Source: Ighaathah al-Lahfaan min Masaa’id ash-Shaytaan by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah; translated by Abdus-Samee Abdus-Salaam

Definite Prescription for a Happy Life


Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) stated:

Whoever loves to live a happy life or a praiseworthy life should lower the rein of his eyes and tongue so that he will be free and safe from harm, because (harm) is concealed in excessive looking and unwarranted speech. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made it clear that the eyes do commit fornication and they are the foundation of fornication of the private part for they serve as guides to it and to it, they call to.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked about accidental gazes, so he commanded the questioner to turn away his sight, thus guiding him to what will benefit him and repelling from him what will harm him.

He said to his cousin, ‘Alee bin Abee Taalib (may Allah be pleased with him), while cautioning him against what will make him fall into temptation and bring about regret: “Do not let a second look follow the first.”[1] Have you not heard the saying of the wise men, “Whoever moves his eyes freely will tire out his mind and anyone whose glances become much, his regret will be perpetual, his time will be wasted and his tears will overflow.”

Source: Rawdah al-Muhibbeen wa Nuzhah al-Mushtaaqeen by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah; transl. by Abdus-Samee Abdus-Salaam


[1] Recorded by Aboo Daawood, at-Tirmidhee and Ahmad (1373)