Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Should a Masbooq Count the Extra Rak’ah the Imaam Prayed Out Of Forgetfulness?


Shaykh ‘Abdullaah bin Saalih al-Fawzaan stated:

However, there remains an issue to be asked about and it is appropriate to mention it here:  Is it permissible for the masbooq (a latecomer or one who joins congregational prayer late) to count the extra rak’ah in respect of the Imaam and consider it a valid rak’ah for him? For example, the Imaam got up out of forgetfulness to perform the fifth rak’ah in a four rak’ah prayer like Zuhr or the fourth rak’ah in Maghrib prayer, and a ma’moom joined him in this  rak’ah without knowing that it is extra. Would it count for him that he has caught up with the congregational prayer?

The correct opinion among the sayings of the people of knowledge is that he should count it and consider it as part of his prayer, and it would be considered that he caught up with the congregational prayer, because he caught up a rak’ah with the Imaam. Despite the fact that it was an additional rak’ah in respect of the Imaam, he is excused of the addition because he did not do it deliberately. It is valid with respect to the masbooq, because it part of his original prayer. If we say he should not count it, such would necessitate the permissibility of deliberately adding a rak’ah to the prayer, and this would nullify the prayer according to consensus of the scholars. This is because it necessitates that a person should pray four rak’ah prayer as five rak’ah and Maghrib prayer as four rak’ah, and this would necessitate contravention of consensus of the scholars and opposition of sharee’ah proofs, and this is not right.

Source: Ahkaam Hudoor al-Masaajid, p. 159 by Shaykh Abdullaah bin Saalih al-Fawzaan; translated by Abdus-Samee Abdus-Salaam.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Can A Masbooq become an Imaam?


Question:  A man entered the mosque after the Imaam and the worshippers have terminated the prayer, but he found a masbooq (latecomer or one who joins congregational prayer late) completing his prayer. So, he stood by his side so as to make the masbooq his Imaam in order to attain the reward of congregational prayer. Is this permissible for him or a masbooq cannot be an Imaam? Is the Salaah that this man offered along with the masbooq valid?

Response: If a person enters the mosque and the people have prayed, and he finds a masbooq praying; it is legislated for him to pray along with him, and he should stand by the right side of the masbooq for the sake of the virtue of congregational prayer; and the masbooq should intend to be the Imaam. There is no harm in this according to the most authoritative view among the scholars.

Similarly, if he finds a person praying alone after the Imaam had terminated the prayer, it is legislated for him to pray along with him, and he should stand by his right side in order to attain the merit of congregational prayer. Then if the masbooq terminates his prayer or the individual praying alone, the one who entered and joined the prayer should get up and complete what is upon him, due to the generality of proofs indicating the merit of congregational prayer, and due to what has been established from the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) that he saw a man who entered the mosque after the prayer has ended and said: “Is there any man who may do good with this (man) and pray along with him.” Recorded by Ahmad and Abu Daawood

Source: Majmoo’ Fataawaa wa Maqaalaat ash-Shaykh Ibn Baaz (12/148). Transl. by Abdus-Samee Abdus-Salaam.