Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Glad Tidings to those Who Stand by the Truth


Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

If a person establishes the truth against someone and against himself first; and does that for the sake of Allaah, nothing will stand against him. Even if the heavens, the earth and the mountains unite against him, Allaah will protect him and provide relief and a way out for him…

The one who stands to establish falsehood will not be assisted by Allaah, and even if he is assisted, it is inconsequential accidental assistance; he will be dispraised and deserted. And if he stands for the truth but not for the sake of Allaah; rather, he does so seeking praise, gratifications and reward from the people or he uses it as a means towards obtaining worldly gains, placing the goal first while standing for the truth only becomes the means of achieving it, there is no guarantee of victory for such individual. 

This is because Allaah only guarantees victory for those who strive in His cause and fight for His words to reign supreme and not for the individual who does all that for himself and his desires. Such a person is neither among the pious nor among the doers of good. If he is supported, it is in proportion to the truth he has, because Allaah will never assist and support anything except the truth. If a state belongs to the people of falsehood, the assistance will be proportionate to the level of their patience, for patience is forever victorious. If a patient person is telling the truth, he will have a victorious end but if he is a liar, he will not have a good end.

If a person stands for the establishment of truth for the sake of Allaah relying on himself and his power without establishing the truth for Allaah’s sake seeking His assistance, relying on Him, entrusting the affair to Him and freeing himself from power and might except in Allaah, he will have disappointment and weak support in proportion to what he establishes of that. The issue is that upholding the testimonies of faith in Allaah’s command can never be resisted by anything and its companion will be supported and made victorious even if group of enemies attack him continuously.

Imam Ahmad related that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: Whosoever pleases the people angering Allaah; Allaah will give him up to the people, and whosoever angers the people to please Allaah; Allaah will suffice him of any need of the people.”[1]

Source: I’laam al-Muwaqqi’een ‘an Rabb al-‘Aalameen by Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Translated by Abdus-Samee’ Abdus-Salaam.

[1]  Recorded by Abd bin Humayd in al-Muntakhab min al-Musnad, it occurs in Ibn Hibbaan on no. 1541.

Monday, 14 June 2021

The Difference between Humility and Humiliation


Imaam Ibn Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) stated:

The difference between humility and humiliation is that humility arises from the knowledge of Allah, knowing His Names, His Attributes and the attributes of His exaltedness; exalting Him, loving Him and revering Him; and from one’s knowledge of one’s soul, its details, the defects and its misdeeds. So the trait of humility arises from all of that. 

Humility entails feeling helpless before Allah, lowering the wing of submission and being merciful to His servants. A person should not consider himself superior to anyone, nor should he consider himself having a right with anyone.  Rather, he should consider the people superior to him and that their rights come before his. Allah gives this character to whoever loves Him, honors Him and draws nearer to Him.

As for humiliation, it is wretchedness, meanness, sacrificing the soul and degrading it to obtain its shares and lusts like the humility of lowly people to attain their lusts, the humility of object to the subject and the humility of the seeker of every share to the one he hopes to obtain his share from. All of these are lowliness, not humility! And Allah – exalted be He - loves humility and hates meanness and degradation. According to an authentic hadeeth, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah has revealed to me that you should be humble so that no one should hold himself above another nor transgress against another.”[1]

The praiseworthy humility is of two types:

First: A person humbling himself to Allah’s command by complying with it and to His prohibition by abstaining from it, because the soul, due to its quest for comfort may hesitate to carry out Allah’s command and a type of refusal and flight from servitude may emanate from it and it begins to incline towards committing unlawful actions. So if a person humbles himself to the command and prohibition of Allah, he has indeed humbled himself to servitude.

The second type:  Humbling oneself before the might, majesty, sublimity and power of Allah.  Whenever a person feels that he is great, he should remember the might of his Lord, and that might belongs to Him only; and he should remember His severe anger against those who contend with Him in that. Hence, he will humble his soul to Him, submit his heart to the greatness of Allah, and surrender to His authority. This is the ultimate humility and it necessitates the first type mentioned above but the converse can never apply. The one who is truly humble is the one who is blessed with both.

And Allah is the One whose help is sought.

Source: Ar-Rooh by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Translated by Abdus-Samee Abdus-Salaam.


[1] Recorded by Muslim (2865)