Thursday, 31 December 2020

How to Free Your Soul from Fear and Hoping In the Creature


Imaam Ibn Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) wrote:

What will cut off element of hope in the creatures from your heart is being pleased with the decision of Allah and His ration allotted to you. So, whoever is contented with the verdict of Allah and the share He has apportioned to him, no place will be left in his heart to hope in the creatures.

What will eliminate element of fear is submission to Allah. This is because whoever submits and surrenders himself to Allah, and knows that whatever afflicts him is not meant to miss him, and whatever misses him is not meant to hit him, and also recognizes that nothing will afflict him except what Allah has written for him will have no place left for fear of the creatures in his heart.

Verily, he has submitted his soul, for which he fears, to its Master and Lord; and he knows that nothing will befall it except what has been decreed for it and whatever has been written for it will certainly happen to it. Therefore, there is no point fearing other than Allah in any case.

There is also another pleasant benefit in submitting to Allah; if a person surrenders his soul to Allah, he has indeed kept it with Him. He has preserved it in His sanctuary and placed it under His protection where the hand of an enemy cannot touch it and the transgression of the evildoer cannot reach it.

Source: Madaarij as-Saalikeen bayna Manaazil (Iyyaaka Na‘bud wa Iyyaaka Nasta‘een) by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah; translated by ‘Abdus-Samee’ Abdus-Salaam.


Monday, 14 December 2020

What is the Goal of your Action?


Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah said:

Everything a person uses for the sake of Allah, He will protect him from the evil of utilizing it for himself and for the devil; and anything he does not use for the sake of Allah, he will surely use it for himself and for his desires. So if knowledge is not for Allah’s sake, then it will be for one’s soul and desires; and if an action is not for Allah’s sake, then it will be for show off and hypocrisy. Likewise, if wealth is not spent in obedience to Allah, it will be spent in obedience to the devil and base desires; and if prestige is not used for Allah’s sake, its possessor will use it for his desires and fortunes.

If strength is not employed in carrying out the order of Allah, it will be employed in His disobedience. Whoever accustoms his soul to working for Allah’s sake, there will be nothing more difficult for him than working for other than Allah; and whoever accustoms his soul to working for his desires and fortune, nothing will be more burdensome to him than sincerity and working for the sake of Allah. This is true regarding all forms of actions. Nothing is more burdensome to the one who spends for Allah’s sake than spending for the sake of others; likewise the converse.

Source: ‘Uddah as-Saabireen wa Dhakheerah ash-Shaakireen, Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Translated by Abdus-Samee’ Abdus-Salaam.