“…And just as Imaan, in the view of Ahlus-Sunnah
consists of speech, action and belief, then likewise, kufr consists of speech,
action and belief. However, the
principle of Ahlus-Sunnah, and this is very important, is that not everyone who
falls into an act of kufr has the appellation of kufr (i.e. Kaafir) applied to
him. Since, it is necessarily required for the takfeer of a specific
individual that the conditions are
present and the preventative barriers are absent.
As for the first condition,
then it is knowledge (‘ilm) and its
preventative barrier is ignorance (jahl).
As for the second condition, then it is choice (ikhtiyaar) and its preventive barrier is compulsion (ikraah). As for the third condition,
then it is intending the act (qasd ul-fi’l),
and its preventative barrier is unmindfulness, or error (khata’) [or ta’weel]…”[1]
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih
al-‘Uthaymeen was asked: Is it permissible to declare a specific person to be a
replied: It is permissible for us to declare a specific person to
be a disbeliever if the causes of kufr are proven in him. For instance, if we
see a man who rejects the message of Islam or a man who permits taken judgement
to taaghoot or a man who permits
judging with other than what Allah has revealed and he says it is better that
Allah’s judgement. After establishing
proof against him, we should pass judgement on him that he is disbeliever.
Therefore, if the causes of kufr are present, conditions of takfeer are
fulfilled and there are no preventive barriers, we would declare a specific
person to be a disbeliever…
Source: Fataawaa al-Aqeedah,
p. 286 by Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen
[1] Taken
from the treatise: The Creed of Imaam al-Albaanee on Issues of Takfir and Riddah,
p. 1, published online by Salafi Publications, October 2000