Question: What
is the relationship between the Science of Fiqh and the Science of Hadeeth? And
is the Muhaddith required to be a Faqeeh or just a Muhaddith only?
Shaykh al-Albaanee: The Faqeeh is
required to be a Muhaddith while the Muhaddith is not required to be a Faqeeh.
This is because the Muhaddith is a Faqeeh automatically due to the nature of
his condition. Did the companions of Allaah‘s Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)
used to study Fiqh or not? And what was the Fiqh that they used to study? It is
that which they used to take from the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi
wa sallam) (that is, the hadeeth). So they were in fact studying hadeeth.
As for those Fuqahaa who study the opinions
of the scholars and their Fiqh, while not studying the hadeeth of their Prophet
(sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam), who is the source of Fiqh, it must be said to
them: “You must study the science of Hadeeth.” This is since we cannot imagine
there being a correct Fiqh without knowledge of hadeeth, memorizing them,
authenticating them and declaring them weak. And at the same time, we cannot
imagine there being a Muhaddith that is not a Faqeeh.
Thus, the Qur’aan and the Sunnah are
the source for all of the Fiqh. As for the Fiqh that is commonly known today,
then it is the Fiqh of the scholars and not the Fiqh of the Book and Sunnah.
Yes, some of it exists in the Book and the Sunnah, but some of it consists
purely of opinions and scholarly deductions. However, in much of these
(opinions and deductions), there is a contradiction on their part with the
hadeeth, for they were not able to encompass all the knowledge of it.
Source: [Al-Asaalah,
Issue #7].